Five Word Song of Liu He Ba Fa
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1 - Empty the mind
2 - If one thinks there is a method, that thought is vain
3 - By making the mind void of thoughts, one can gain a natural meditative state
4 - With a calm mind, one is free from hesitation
5 - A quite mind opens the pathway to harmony within and without
6 - Fill the sky and the earth within as well as without
7 - This is the Buddhist's idea conveyed by the circle
8 - The Taoists say it is not one's will, but the will of nature
9 - At first while doing the exercise, one reveals each feature of the movement, but with practice the features flow into one
10 - This fluidness of movement cannot be anticipated; through practice it comes naturally
11&12 - If one wishes to learn this Internal Art (mind / intent ), then one must first learn the eight methods
13 – This exercise maintains one's broadminded spirit
14 – The entire body is elastic (spring-like)
15 – The beginning of the internal force can be recognized by the opponent, but not its end
16 – When the exercise is mastered, one's feature and intent are unrecognized
17 – Movement to and from is not revealed
18 – Relaxing and flexing of movement are self-determined
19 – One must meet attack by being calm
20 – The body should be straight in stance
21 – The opponent sees no resistance in your stance, but this is false for you are concealed
22 – If one does not practice regularly, then do not face the enemy
23 – When in motion one is still rooted
24 – Do not overextend yourself to the opponent
25 – Judge the chance and take the opportunity
26 – One strikes with internal force before the opponent advances with strength
27 – When hardness is presented in the opponent then the opponent's strength is in the front
28 – The opponent is hard, then one is soft, leading the opponents strength to emptiness
29 – Although the opponent is busy / in a harry to attack , one stays calm awaiting him
30 – To attack or protect is according to one's decision
31 – Take the first opportunity and be quicker than the opponent
32 – Always concentrate on the situation
33 – Conceal one's force like the bow: round and ready to spring
33 – Issue your strength (attack) like an arrow – quick and strait
35 – One should thoroughly understand the principle of yin-yang
36 – Both the yin and yang flow in and out, hard and soft, and are mutual
37 – Breathing is regular from the bottom of abdomen to the heart
38 – This cyclic up and down breathing smoothens the chi
39 – Be calm as the resting Buddhist
40 – Move as a dragon rising from hibernation
41 – This calmness appears empty but there is something within
42 – The internal force is wonderfully rewording
43 – The internal force can be suddenly concealed and suddenly expressed
44 – All breathing shall be natural
45 - Yield to heavy attack
46 – Every action is self-initiated
47 – Distribution of weight between one leg and the other is clearly distinguished
48 – The body is of both yin and yang, both empty and solid
49 – By emptying oneself, the opponent's force is lead to void
50 – If the enemy retreats, stick with quick advance
51 – The legs should be curved like a bow
52 – Advancing and retreating use force derived from kidney
53 – The arms and back should be round as if hugging
54 – Circulate your chi from inside to outside
55 & 56– Stop trivial thoughts and concentrate on your movement, as if facing a difficult enemy
57 – Your eyes move about like lightening
58 – Your spirit watches in all four directions (front, back, left, right)
59 – Your footing should be 40% to the front and 60% to the rear
60 – The hands are 30% to the front and 70% to the rear
61 – The feature of the movement is like swimming in the water
62 & 63 – Movement is light like a fairy in the clouds
64 – The idea is very great, but there is nothing; it is like a great void
65 – The idea of movement is like a fierce tiger
66 – The calmness of chi is very gentle
67 – Once the enemy is offensive, the enemy is defeated
68 – The inner strength controls the five terminals and nine joints
69 – If one wants to learn, then one must practice frequently
70 – In this way deeper progress can be made ( from the door to hall to temple with one's master)
71 – When the exercise is mastered, one's inner force can be concealed or expressed at will
72 – Focus your spirit to discover the truth
73 – This harmonious exercise combines all movement
74 – The quiet and emptiness of this exercise separates one from worldly things
75 & 76 – Remember all progress towards the truth of this exercise is very delicate, fine and subtle keep your findings closely with you
77 – The idea of movement is to seem not to move, achieving fluidness
78 – One's calmness combines with the idea
79 – Cease all thoughts and your chi will become calm naturally
80 – Quietly maintain the "great emptiness"
81 – One's basic foundation is built through this exercise
82 – In this exercise all valuable points are concealed
83 – If you ask - "Is it hard to learn?", the answer is "No it is not"
84 – It looks easy at first, but it is not easy
85 – If one's mind is made up to learn, then there will be success
86 – In this world there is nothing of real difficulty
87 – To learn, one must be sincere and determined
88 – This depends on long frequent practice and wisdom
89 – This exercise was invented by Ch'en His-I of Hwa Yu
90 – The student of Hwa Yu should practice every day; this is most important
91 – There must be concentration of spirit and idea (will)
92 – All the joints of the body move together
93 – When contact is made, the inner force comes forth at once
94 – This gives no opportunity for the opponent to escape
95 – The opponent thinks you are relaxed, but you are not relaxed (inner strength)
96 – The opponent thinks you are tight, but there is no strength
97 – Al the movement is balanced in a circular fashion
98 – The chi should be controlled to flow in and out in a spiralian circle
99 – Do not be afraid of the opponent
100 – Open and close oneself and be able to yield and stick
101 – Watch for the enemy's week point, and once discovered, attack without delay
102 – Do not revel any of your forms, do not yield even the smallest hair
103 – Maintain circles in the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip and knee and all are all combined
104 – Movement of legs and hands all work together
105 – All the joints work in combination with the geng (inner force)
106 – If this is achieved, there is no chance for the enemy to attack
107 – One's breathing is like the falling of fine cotton
108 – Therefore, your breathing can be up or down, slow or fast
109 – When this method is mastered, any attack can be met
110 – Strive for knowledge of the method, but also the wisdom (craft) of its usage
111 – Method and wisdom are joined into one
112 – Both concepts are very important; there cannot be one without the other
113 – Both hands raise up slightly
114 – Bend and stretch fluidly
115 – All turning and bending is curved
116 – The form is like a swimming dragon in play
117 – Therefore, all sides move up or down, left or right
118 – This type of exercise follows the way of yin and yang
119 – The idea is formed and the chi follows
120 – The inner force is concealed within the joints
121 – Relax your muscles and activate your blood vessels
122 – This is good for one's health
123 – When inhaling, the chi rises
124 – When exhaling, the chi sinks to the tan tien
125 – As soon as the chi rises, it is swallowed and sinks down
126 – (In the flow of chi) fire from below and water from above meet harmoniously
127 – Carefully study this inside and outside Kung-Fu
128 – The mind (heart) should be empty; the abdomen should be solid
129 – At the moment of opportunity, attack at once
130 – The beginning and end of hardness and softness are inseparable
131 – The outside and inside force are mutually interchangeable
132 – Activity and inactivity follow one's will
133 – Those that got out to learn the exercise,
134 – Do not misjudge the value of the five word song

TEL: 054-9990704

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